Pretrial Justice Institute
200 East Pratt Street, Suite 4100
Baltimore, MD 21202

(667) 281-9141

Doug Smith

Doug Smith

Managing Partner, D-Degree Coaching and Training

Doug Smith (he/him) is Managing Partner of D-Degree Coaching and Training. He earned his master’s in social work from the University of Texas at Austin, and graduated from Erickson Coaching International. He is accredited by the International Coaching Federation

Doug provides leadership development and coaching to purpose-driven leaders in corporations, non-profits, and coalitions. He specializes in helping organizations create leadership pipelines, improve the strategic capacity of teams, and develop the leadership potential of emerging leaders — especially those under-represented at executive or board levels.

Doug’s training and coaching practice is founded on nearly 12 years’ experience leading public policy campaigns, developing health and mental health policy, and reducing the rate of incarceration in Texas. Doug has more than seven years’ experience as an Adjunct Professor of Social Policy at the University of Texas at Austin.

Doug is also a formerly incarcerated person who works passionately to build the capacity of other formerly incarcerated leaders to create positive change in their lives and their communities.